12 Awesome Cruising Hacks You Absolutely Must Know

by Royal Holiday

Going on a cruise is a great experience, something unlike anything else you can do during your holidays. That being said, here at Royal Holiday Cruises, we love giving you the best tips and hacks so you can enjoy this experience to the fullest. This list is by no means comprehensive, but in order to help you make the best out of your next cruise, we have chosen some of the most useful bits of wisdom to help you prepare before you leave and enjoy while you are there.

Do your homework before booking

Remember is not only about the cruise, you also have to think about plane tickets to get you to the place where the cruise is departing from. Experts say that you should book early, but also not too early since prices are higher if you try to book anything more than two months in advance. Talking to an agent that is an expert in cruises can be of great help if this is your first time going on one. Preparing in advance can save you a lot of money and headaches.

Choose your cabin according to your needs

Balcony cabins are great because of the view, the sunshine and the tiny private “outdoor” space, but they are also in high demand so that’s why it’s so important to book early. When you are choosing your cabin, make sure you do it thinking about your proximity to areas of interest. Think about access to the pool, dining rooms and look for a location that is central to everything that interests you.

Clear your cookies and use a PC if you can

Some travel websites raise prices checking your history and seeing that you have made those searches before. Make sure you clear your cookies before quoting prices and try to do it from your phone of a PC since Mac users are usually shown pricier options of accommodations.

Get travel insurance

Check first if your credit card company offers you deals on travel insurance. Most people don’t pay attention to this type of things, but it is worth it to pay a little now and not have to worry about your luggage going missing or any type of unplanned event.

Pack outfits one by one

This is a great way to avoid over packing and to make sure you have something to wear for every day or every occasion. Packing each outfit in an individual Ziplock bag can also help you save room inside your luggage. Sometimes you will use your suitcase as a drawer while you are there, so this type of organization helps you locate your clothing quickly as it is already together.

Reduce your wallet size

Take only what you need and no more. Loyalty cards and forgotten receipts take up a lot of your wallet space and make it bulky, something that will discourage you to carry it around during the cruise. The only thing you will need is going to be your keycard and that can be carried in a thin wallet or a small cardholder.

Roll when packing

Rolling your clothes occupies a lot less space than folding them neatly. On top of that, this will keep your clothes mostly wrinkle-free and you won’t have to worry about ironing them. Make sure that you use up all the small crevices and spaces inside your shoes and between your clothes to pack up small accessories and things like socks and underwear.

Keep your electronics plugged

Cabins have a limited amount of electric sockets, so a power strip is a great thing to bring on your trip so you can charge your camera gear, cellphone, and other electronics at the same time.


Cruises are a great excuse to truly disconnect. Wi-Fi is available in case you need it, but this is a great opportunity to truly take a timeout from your everyday life and enjoy the company of your loved ones. The will thank you for it and you will feel refreshed after a couple of days of not worrying about your email.

Image courtesy of Connie Ma at Flickr.com

Image courtesy of Connie Ma at Flickr.com

Tour with the cruise line

Going on land excursions is one of the coolest things you get to do when you are at port. Make sure you first check what the cruise line has to offer, as they have already negotiated locally to get you the best deals and you can be sure that you will not miss your departure.

Make a plan for your destinations when going on excursions

Plan according to the plan and always keeping in mind the schedule. Go first to the farthest locations on your list and then you can start making your way back towards the boat as you visit other locations.

Stay healthy

Make sure you bring along any medicine you may need for the time you are there. Be moderate with alcohol especially if you get seasick. There is nothing worst than missing out on all the fun just because you are hungover. Always notify the staff if you are sick or have a medical condition worth nothing. Is for your safety and that of your fellow passengers.

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